Strategies for Success #1

Paraeducator and Teacher Communication File Folder

The communication file folder is a great way to pass information between paraeducators and teachers. The laminated folder will allow you to easily remove attached papers to update or change your students information.

It will assist the paraeducator/teacher team in communicating instructional directions and student progress. It can be used to organize student data and to inform a substitute paraeducator of their tasks with students. We recommend a communication folder for each teacher with whom you work.

Picture of a communication folder


  • To increase communication between paraeducators and teachers.
  • To inform paraeducators of instructional directions and student outcomes.
  • To inform teachers of student progress.

Materials needed:

  • File folder(s)for each teacher with whom you work
  • Index cards
  • Post-it notes
  • Scotch tape


  1. Write teacher's name on label of folder
  2. Laminate the folder
  3. Inside the folder, tape one index card for each student
  4. Attach other cards, notes and information that would be useful


  • Student data: document collected student data, student card can be easily removed and placed in the student file, replace with a new card as needed.
  • Week-at-a-glance: general daily plans (this is helpful for a substitute to reference).
  • Student goals and objectives
  • Teacher's focus of the week
  • Classroom rules


Modify the communication folder for a substitute. Provide your substitute a folder for each classroom for which he or she will be working. Place in the folder the work to be completed and an area for data keeping.

The communication file folder can be adapted according to your needs. If you discover new uses for the communication file folder or have additional methods for communicating student progress with the teachers with whom you work, please send us your methods so we can pass your ideas on to others.

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